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1.Army Print Shop: R.C.A.S.C. printers and stationery shop; machines, typeset, proof readers, pressing, paper cutting, printed materials on assembly line.~2.New G.O.C. Inspects His Division: Major General Guy Simonds, the new G.O.C., inspects 1st infantry Brigade with Brigadier H.D. Graham; Simonds inspects the Royal Canadian Regiment with Lieutenant Colonel R. [Prow]; he inspects the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiments with Lieutenant A. [Sutclift]; he inspects the 48th Highlanders with Lieutenant I.S. Johnson; Simonds inspects "Bud" Troop; R.C.R. Seaforth's march by Simonds, Lieutenant Col. B.M. Hoffmeister and Brigadier C. Foulkes; Lieutenant Col. J.C. Jefferson; Simonds inspects the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry with Lieutenant Col. R.A. [Lindsey]; he inspect the 3rd Division 1st Field Regiment with Lieutenant Col. J.E. [Lane] and Brigadier M.H.S. [Penhale]; he inspects the Carleton and Yorks with Lieutenant Col. F.D. [Tweedy] and Brigadier Major F.C. [Pangman]; Simonds inspects the West Nova Scotias Veterans.~3.Field Dressing Station: Demonstration of patient evaluation; in tents, blood transfusions.~4.Army Mascots: Canadian Scottish Regiment mascot St. Bernard (Wallace) with pipers; "Corperal Duck" of the Royal Canadian Dragoons plays with dogs; Rex # 2, Tunnelling Company R.C.E.'s dog; Thunder the dog of the 48th Highlanders runs obstacles; the black goat of the Black Watch; Princess Louise Fusiliers' puppy plays with a gas canister; Hastings and Prince Edwards Regiment's cigar store Indian(Little Chief Mark Two) on guard.~5.St. Jean Baptiste Day: Special mass for No. 6 Infantry Reinforcement Unit for St. Jean Baptiste Day; ceremonial march; Sergeant Armand [Colant] plays baseball; tug of war; Corporal Leo [Bourdon] and Private [Réal Daoust] in a boxing match.~6.Attack!: Tanks and trucks of the Motorized Infantry Battalion, Westminster Regiment rush into woods, fields, and hills.


1. Parade of Nations - Allied troops parading in Whitehall on the occasion of United Nations Day. 2. Back to Health - Rehabilitation training at Alton Convalescent Hospital, visiting officers watching exercises. 3. Third Division Wins RCASC Sports - Various track and field sports and demonstrations of physical training. Maj. Gen. R.F.L. Keller presents the awards. Maj. Gen. E.L.M. Burns and Col. McQueen attend. 4. Chief of Staff Arrives in Britain - Lt. Gen. Stuart is met by Maj. Gen. Montague and chats with him and other officers. 5. Mediterranean Interlude - Men sevicing Boston Bomber in desert, crew being briefed, boarding plane. Several Bostons in the air, a Wellington bomber. Interior shot of crew. Bombs are dropped. Pantellaria, Sicily. 6. Canadians Embark for Sicily - Canadian soldiers marching, board transport trucks, embark on troop ship. Canadian Army joins them. Troop ship leaves.


1. Colonel Ralston Visits Troops: Major General Georges Vanier, Air Marshal Baldwin and Air Marshal P.J. Montigue meet Major General J.L. Ralston, the Minister of National Defence, at a London airport; Major General Ralston is greeted by Vincent Massey, Lieutenant General Kenneth Stuart and a R.C.A. honour guard. Major General C.R.S. Steen and Ralston inspect the Lorne Scots; Brigadier H. [Sharp] and Ralston inspect the 11th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1st Regiment, Cape Breton Highlanders, the Irish Regiment of Canada; and informal chat; at 5th Division, a regimental inspection of the 3rd Reconnaissance; Brigadier R.R.G. [Morton] and Ralston inspect the 8th Artillery; Ralston with the 5th Armoured Brigade inspecting the 2nd, 5th, and 9th, and the Westminster Motor Regiments; Major General F.F. Worthington inspect the 4th Armoured and the Algonquin at work with Ralston ; they see a demonstration by the gunners; Ralston tries on a tank operator suit and inspects a tank.~2. U.S. and British troops on the Cantania Road; Canadians capture [Osoro] and move to Leonforte; trenches; tanks move on, explosions; Canadians move into the ruins of Leonforte; engineers work on damaged equipment; prepare for Aguira; night shots of gunfire as gunners attack German positions; hilltop lookout; Sergeant Jimmie Campbell films action; machine gunners; troops move into town, hunt down snipers; engineers clean up town, shots of wreckage; moving on past wrecked German and Italian equipment, prisoners; troop movements; Seaforth pipers at Aguira.


1. Army Sports Day: 1943 Canadian Army Track and Field Championship, with General A.G.L. McNaughton in attendance; 100 yard dash; High jump by W.L. St. John; 1 mile run won by R.N. Mavy; J.C. Crashley at the running long jump; 440 yard race; 3 mile run conclusion; Ali Gore at the shot put; 5th Division Westminster versus the 3rd Division R.C.A.C. tug of war; hop-step-jump; 440 yard relay race; McNaughton presents prizes.~2. The King Presents Colours to Dieppe Veterans: King George and Queen Elizabeth visit the Royal Regiment of Canada and the South Saskatchewan Regiment along with High Commissioner Vincent Massey; Lieutenant Col. F.L. [Nichols] and Lieutenant Col. F.A. [Cliff] meet with them on the Whitley parade grounds for an inspection tour; new colours are presented, and the troops march by.~3. Play Ball: Baseball game at Wembley Stadium; a big crowd; Major General P.J.Montigue, Lieutenant General J. [Deevers] (U.S. Army), Lord [Whigham] greets players.~4. Sicily Snapshots: a) Canadian North African Hospital in operation; doctors using lab equipment, moving patients into a tent. b) Reinforcements go over a conditioning course in North Africa. c) Royal Canadian Engineers use their bulldozers to make roads and drainage ditches; tanks roll over the new roads. d) Mule train being harnessed, supplies loaded. e) 1st Division war artist Lieutenant W.A. Ogilvy. f) Bath time for Canadian soldiers in irrigation ditches.


1. Princess Mary Inspects CWAC's: The Princess Royal visits the Wellington Barracks to inspect the women's division of the army corps; Major Montigue meets Princess Mary with Chief Comptroller Jean [Knox]; the troops parade by Lieutenant General E.W. Sansom, Brigadier Annie Rogers, Brigadier J.H. McQueen and Brigadier E.G. [Weakes].~2. Royal Family Visits the 5th Division Troops: King George, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Anne review the 5th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment R.C.A., and the Irish Regiment of Canada.~3. Inspector General Visits Gunners: Canadian Army Artillery Reinforcement Units are inspected and parade before Major General Alexander; "crash action" demonstration by the 13th Field Battery, who set up then take down their guns.~4. Sicily Snapshots: a) Battalion reunion of the Seaforth Highlanders in a Catania Stadium; pipe bands perform. b) Mule race with riders in silly costumes, betting booths, and a real horse race. c) General Bernard Montgomery visits soldiers in Sicily before the Italian invasion. d) General A.G.L. McNaughton informally visits the 1st Division.~5. And Now Italy!: Plans for Italian attack; light barrage, landing craft move in on Sept. 3, 1943.; Assina crossing; 8th Army move across Calabria Hills; General Montgomery; engineers fix bridge; Carleton and Yorks at captured airport outside Reggio de Calabria; 8th Army on the move.


1. 5th Victory Loan Gets Send-Off: Posters; troops sign up.~2. Training for Students: Royal Canadian Engineers attend an English railway school; mini railway model; looking at the real trains; working with English counterparts on the trains.~3. Back From the Wars: Lady Nelson Hospital Ship docks at a British port, and wounded allied soldiers disembark or are carried off in stretchers.~4. Mediterranean Snapshops: a) North African men entertain soldiers with music and dancing. b) Provost Corp. makes new road signs for occupied lands; traffic guards; traffic.~c) General Bernard Montgomery gives awards to Canadian soldiers; Major General Guy Simonds, Brigadier H.D. Graham, Brigadier Charles Foulkes, Lieutenant Colonel Walsh, Major [Southern], Lieutenant P.F. Potvin, Major G.A. Welsh, Sergeant W.J. [Brooks], Major H.P. Bellirving, Lance Corporal R. [Beauregard], Lieutenant Colonel J.C. Jefferson, Corporal D. [Mead], Major R.C. Coleman, Corporal Robert [Middleton], Captain D. [Mead], Lance Corporal N.R. [Roy], Corporal A.T.~[Brant], Captain M. Trudeau, Sergeant Major H.P. [Charters], Sergeant R.R. McPhee, Lieutenant Rex [Carey], Lieutenant N.W. Dixon, Private I.J. [Guther], Lieutenant G.C. Evans, Lieutenant [Harrod], Private Wilford [Riley], Lieutenant E.F.C. Murdock.~d) Tanks move to Potenza to help the 5th Army at Salerno; German wreckage; shooting at the town. e) Italian Field Marshal Peitro Badoglio meets with the news media and Lieutenant General Mason McFarlane of the U.S. Army.


1. Canada Jumps - Men of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion undergo stiff obstacle course training, practice indoor jumps, prepare for the real thing. Shots of them boarding aircraft and jumping. Various shots of them floating down and landing as friends watch. Shots of the new paratroops getting their wings. <2mn 30s> 2. Airport Hand-Over - Royal Canadian Engineers manning heavy machinery as they build an airfield. At the turn-over ceremony, Brig. [Melville] and Air Vice Marshal [Baker], of the Canadian Army and RAF respectively, inspect the new airport staff of the RAF. <2mn 34s> 3. Exercise Pirate - A rehearsal for invasion. Men load tanks on board landing craft. Sequence on landing craft flottila at sea, approaching beach; men landing. <2mn> 4. Italian Interlude - Divisional sports meet in Potenza, Italy. 880 yard dash is completed by D.R. Cameron and L.W. [Brook]; Artillery and C.I.B. in tug of war; obstacle race; Peter Stursberg is shown speaking into a microphone. Army vehicles have trouble with deep mud during heavy rains. At a supply dump, men of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps handle cans of gasoline and other supplies. Men are shown eating their rations. Turkey being caught and prepared for Thanksgiving celebration. Song about work in the RCASC is heard on the sound track. Canadian troops of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division advance through the ruined town of Monte Cassino on their way to Motta in October 1943.


1. Christmas Mail: Christmas mail is unloaded from ships; Canadian Postal Corps at work on the docks and in the mail rooms; mail is sent to soldiers in the field.~2. Drummer Boy Visits Former Unit: Billy [Buchanan], the drummer boy of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles during the time of the Riel Rebellion, visits his old unit; parade of soldiers.~3. Canadian Sappers Strike it Rich: Canadian army miners look for diamonds, get a British mine back into production for civilians to take over; the everyday life of the miners (mealtime and games).~4. O.C.T.U. Graduation: Brigadier Marcel [Noel] inspects the new officers and presents certificates.~5. Women in Uniform: CWACs Major Sorbie meets Commander Riley in England; CWACs in secretarial duties; a draughtswoman; kitchen duties at their barracks, relaxing.~6. Looking Back and Forward: Review of Canadian activities in England and France; the retreat to England; guarding England; artillery; blasting buildings; battle in the Channel; Dieppe cemetery.


1. CWACs Graduate from British OCTU: 1st CWACs to graduate from a British O.C.T.U. parade before Crown Prince Olaf, Senior Comptroller [Waitley], and Major General P.J. Montigue; Lieutenant [Charmaine Sanson] greets her father, Lieutenant General E.W. Sansom; Colonel [Meehan] and his wife, one of the graduates.~2. Fort Garry Horse Celebrates Cambral: Brigadier Rutherford attends a sports meet; soldiers participate in silly races; Supervisor [Millington] and Rutherford give out the prizes; Major [Mindold] receives a makeshift trophy.~3. On the Road to Rome: March to Campobasso, Italy; aircraft; a dead Italian woman; the move to Campobasso; North African men lead mule train supplies; soldiers use communications equipment loaded on a mule; Brigadier M.A.S. [Penhale] in conference, his promotion is announced; vehicles drive over bad roads; mountain hike; artillery sets up; Private E.T. [Noble] with Bren gun; Staff Sergeant [Lewenton] surveys Campobasso from the hills; troops move through happy crowds.~4. Canada Town: Campobasso is nicknamed "Canada Town", intersection named "Picadilly Circus"; Gunner [McGilligan] gets a shoeshine; soldiers buy souvenirs; Lance Corporal Lord; "Beaver Club" exterior; Corporal Davis and Sergeant Carver have tea; Private Benson and Private Williams write home; dart game; Lance Corporal Walsh gets a haircut; town scenes.~5. Canadians Awarded Croix de Guerre: A parade for the veterans of Dieppe; French General [Matinée], Major General Georges Vanier, Major General P.J. Montigue and French officers attend. Awards given to Lieutenant Colonel Guy [Gosling], Private Charles [Highland], Captain George [Buchanan], Captain Ross Campbell, Sergeant [Assar Sousshar], Private Gordon [Buchanan], Private Stanley [Cowley], Private Harvey [Seaton], Major Clarence [Ostand].


1. Arabian Princes Visit Canadian Corps: Amir [Fasil] and Amir [Halid], sons of King Ibn Saud of Arabia pay a visit to the Canadian Corps with Lieutenant General E.W. Sansom; they look at tanks up close and see an armoured division demonstration.~2. Power for Victory: Canadian Forestry Corps in the Scottish Highlands exploit the hydroelectric power source to work tools at the lumber yard and run other equipment.~3. Reinforcements Arrive - A British Port: Soldiers arrive at an unnamed port in England, crammed on the deck of the ship; CWACs on a gangway; soldiers march off the ship; equipment is unloaded by cranes onto the dock; soldiers board trains and leave.~4. Naples: Infantry and artillery reinforcements arrive on ships in Naples; Captain J.E.R. McDougall of the Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit on board; nurses in battle gear disembark; U.S. and British soldiers on the dock; pipers lead the Canadians through the streets of Naples.~5. United to Conquer: A Black Watch combined operations beach landing exercise; land, climb up rocks, climb on ropes and slide down.


1. Canadians Keep it Clean: The Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps' mobile unit mechanized laundry truck in operation.~2. Christmas Party: Two hundred British children visit the 2nd Echelon General Headquarters; soldiers throw parties for them with live entertainment; Santa Claus aka C.M.S. [Pert] doles out gifts.~3. First Hockey: 5th Division Support Group plays 17th Field Regiment in the first game of the season.~4. And Still They Come: Canadian reinforcements on a ship; Newfoundland Gunners; Captain Ross Jung, a Chinese-American doctor with the R.C.A.M.C.; air force; fire-fighters; soldiers on the dock.~5. Making Them Tough: Training at C.T.S. on a cliff face; climbing with ropes, etc.~6. The Big Parade: The third anniversary of Canadian forces in England; dignitaries on a podium, tanks roll by.


1. Lorne Scots Lay Memorial Plaque: Canadian soldiers visit an old church in Surrey, England and perform a ceremonial presentation to mark their activities.~2. Return from the Rock: General A.G.L. McNaughton greets Major J.G. [Tatum] and the 2nd Tunnelling Company in England; J.D. Bryce give a voice-over.~3. C.C.S.: A casualty clearing station in operation; receiving wounded from ambulances; X-ray equipment; a nurse and doctor; convalescents enjoy the fresh air on the camp grounds.~4. Squadron Shoot: The 1st Division Prince Louise Dragoon Guards Reconnaissance Unit in the field; shooting at an old house; armoured cars move in.~5. Tank Landing: 1st Army Tank Brigade train at sea with the navy; landing exercises with Churchill tanks.~6. Wet Feet: Training in landing craft, beach landing with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders.


1. The King Presents New Years Honours: Awards outside Buckingham Palace: Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Colonel A.H. Jarvis, Major General H.D.G. Crerar, Major General G.R. Turner, Matron-in-Chief [Neil], Lance Corporal Chambers, Corporal [Leclerc], Brigadier [Waite], Nurse Jean [Staylor], Nurse [Elva C.M. Honey], Nurse Edith M. [Bregan-Mety], Nurse Ida Henderson, Nurse Doris C. Kent, Major H.O. Moran, Captain E.I. Manning, Lieutenant General Kenneth Stuart, Colonel [Fulton], Captain E.D. [Magnus], Warrant Major [Steel], Colonel [Basher], Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, Matron [Blausch D. Hermann], Major B. [Suvarov], Sergeant [Colgan], Sergeant [Heir], Trooper Lalonde.~2. L'Entente Cordiale: The changing of the guard at the 5th Armoured Division; French soldiers train with Canadians.~3. Ottawa Mayor Visits Troops: Mayor Stanley Lewis visits Ottawa troops in England; nurses from No.5 Casualty Clearance Station pitch a marquee and march; Cameron Highlanders; Governor General's Foot Guards; Field Survey Company of C.C.E.~4. R.C.R. Win Cross Country Title: Canadian Army Cross Country championships; 11th Ontario Tank Regiment, No.1 C.A.C.U., Royal Canadian Regiment, Regina Rifles, Fort Garry Horse; running over roads and fences, in the woods; 1st place finish by J.A. [Eddy], 2nd by R. [Brampton], and 3rd by A.G. [Bielki].~5. CWAC Recruits "Pass Out": Major General P.J. Montague is received by Major Alice Sorbie; CWACs who enlisted in England graduate and are inspected.~6. Army Boxing Final: Queensberg Club London; Bantam fight - Private E. [Runyons] vs. Trooper L. [Slobodian]; Featherweight - R. [Doherty] vs. D. [Webb]; Lightweight - W. [Buxton] vs. D. [Thibault]; Middleweight - R. [MacDonald] vs. A.L.D. [Mabley]; Light-Heavyweight - J. [Jammall] vs. J. [Trudeau]; Heavyweight - T.R. [Halls] vs. S. [Glover]; General P.J. Montague presents the awards.~7. Royal Inspection: King George of England inspects the 1st Canadian Corps Troops, 7th Anti-Tank, and the 1st Canadian Army Tank Brigade.


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