RG85, Volume number: 1602, File number: 6253, File title: Alberta Attorney General - Correspondence of Nov. 1930. between Attorney General of Alberta and Mr. Cory, re death in coal mine of Indian known as Mistaken Chief - Blood Indian Reserve - Accident in coal mine - Indian Affairs Dept. [Department], Date: 1930-1931, Item ID number: 1588060 RG85, numéro de volume : 1602, numéro de dossier : 6253, titre du dossier : « Alberta Attorney General - Correspondence of Nov. 1930. between Attorney General of Alberta and Mr. Cory, re death in coal mine of Indian known as Mistaken Chief - Blood Indian Reserve - Accident in coal mine - Indian Affairs Dept. [Department] », date : 1930-1931, numéro d'identification : 1588060